Um Dia Me Disseram Que As Nuvens Não Eram De Algodão


In a world filled with wonder and curiosity, we often find ourselves questioning the reality of things we once believed were true. As children, our imagination soared as we looked up at the sky, picturing fluffy white clouds resembling cotton candy. But as we grow older, we realize that not everything is as it seems. Such is the case when someone revealed to me the truth that clouds were not made of cotton. This revelation sparked a deeper reflection on the nature of knowledge and the beauty of uncovering the mysteries of the world around us.

The Illusion of Childhood:

As children, our minds are blank canvases, absorbing information from the world around us like sponges. Among the many captivating tales and myths we encounter, the idea of clouds as cottony puffs floating in the sky takes root in our impressionable minds. We believe this fantastical notion, for it adds a touch of magic to our world, fueling our imagination and opening doors to boundless possibilities.

However, as we venture into formal education and explore scientific explanations, we are taught that clouds are, in fact, not made of cotton. Understanding the truth behind this simple phenomenon becomes a moment of transition from the innocence of childhood to the inquisitiveness of adulthood.

The Science Behind the Clouds:

Clouds are a product of nature’s intricate dance between temperature, humidity, and condensation. As warm air rises, it cools at higher altitudes. When this happens, the air becomes saturated with water vapor, causing tiny water droplets or ice crystals to form around particles like dust or pollen. These clusters of water droplets or ice crystals are what we perceive as clouds.

This scientific explanation may lack the charm and whimsy of our childhood beliefs, but it is a reminder that the wonders of the natural world are just as magical and awe-inspiring, even when understood through a scientific lens.

Embracing the Beauty of Knowledge:

Discovering that clouds were not made of cotton may seem like a simple revelation, but it holds a profound lesson about the beauty of knowledge and the importance of seeking the truth. Embracing the truth behind natural phenomena allows us to develop a deeper appreciation for the world we inhabit. Instead of accepting hearsay, we can embrace knowledge and understanding as valuable tools in our journey through life.

The Power of Curiosity:

The moment I was told that clouds were not made of cotton was a turning point in my life. It ignited a spark of curiosity that continues to guide me to this day. Curiosity encourages us to question, explore, and learn. It is the driving force behind human progress and the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.


Though I was once told that clouds were not made of cotton, that revelation did not diminish the wonder and beauty of the sky above. Instead, it instilled in me a thirst for knowledge and a determination to uncover the truths hidden within the natural world. As we journey through life, let us never lose our sense of wonder and curiosity. Let us continue to seek the truth, for it is through understanding that we can fully appreciate the magic and magnificence of our world.